adult eating disorders, disordered eating, and body neutrality training

individual therapy for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, orthorexia, chronic dieting, and everything in between


evidence-based treatment through a social justice lens

We view disordered eating and body-image injury, particularly in folks with marginalized identities, as social justice issues that warrant a commitment to activism and advocacy. We also know that eating disorders are complex, often neurobiologically based illnesses that require a treatment approach backed by science. 

We draw from Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-E), one of the most effective treatments for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and the like, and often  integrate elements of intuitive eating, mindfulness, implicit bias awareness, and self-compassion. CBT-E allows us to deeply understand the many maintaining mechanisms of your eating disorder and gently help you dismantle them, one by one. 

While we view eating disorders and disordered eating as problematic for the profound toll they take on individual and cultural wellbeing, we also get that they often serve an incredible survival function. It is not uncommon as we begin the process of letting go of deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors that we are at a loss for how else to cope, to feel safe, or even identify. Together we’ll create space to discover your most authentic and liberated self, heal your injured parts, and build up a tool kit of coping strategies that align with your values.


 HAES®/weight inclusive care

Experience and research shows us that, contrary to popular opinion, eating disorders do not discriminate on the basis of race, culture, gender, ethnicity, or body size. Our commitment to the principles of Health at Every Size® allows us to affirm all bodies as fundamentally good and worthy of compassionate care. We get that eurocentric beauty ideals and anti-fat bias run rampant throughout our culture, and often intersect with our healthcare system. This leaves many folks questioning whether or not they are or look “sick enough” to seek the kind of care we offer. We strive to break down those barriers and create therapeutic spaces for anyone who wants to heal. 

No body is too big and no problem is too small to warrant effective and compassionate care.