body image studio

Body NeutralEYES™: a body neutrality practice

Introducing BodyneutralEYES™

BodyneutralEYES™ is a time-limited, individualized program that helps you develop just that: neutral eyes.

Together with your body image trainer you will identify your “hot spots” and personal goals, uncover the specific thoughts and behaviors that maintain your poor body image, and engage in a series of progressive, experiential exercises (no physical movement involved) that will help you retrain and reclaim your brain and lens.

A body image workout for your brain

  • An inside —>out approach to body dissatisfaction

  • A pathway to body neutrality

  • A personal body image trainer to get you there

Schedule a free introductory call to learn more!

How often do you think about your body? Is it more than you wish you did? Is it hard to imagine NOT thinking about it?

Do you have “problem areas” that have dogged you for years? Arm flab? Love handles? Hip dips? Cellulite? An apron belly from a C-section scar? A nose you’ve always hated?

Has looking in the mirror, or putting a bathing suit on, or being naked, or just getting dressed in the morning become a dreaded act… or something you obsess over or avoid all together?

we reject the idea that poor body image should be your status quo.

Folks with and without eating disorders struggle with poor body image. In fact, body dissatisfaction is so common among in the United States that researchers bleakly refer to it as “normative discontent”.

Getting a better body image is totally possible, but it requires a highly specialized “workout” to get you there. Not a traditional physical workout you can find in a gym or physical fitness studio. A psychological workout that requires reps, commitment, consistency, support, and a desire to change the way you see yourself.

Already have your own therapist and want to add a body-image trainer to your team? No problem. Body NeutralEYES is available as a standalone or complementary service We love to collaborate with outside providers and can offer this program to you while you are in a separate therapy.