
Body-Positive Therapy NYC


we help folks of all ages, sizes, and gender expressions recover from eating disorders, disordered eating, and body-image injury


adult eating disorders, disordered eating, and body neutrality training

For individuals 18+ struggling with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, orthorexia, chronic dieting, and ABSOLUTELY everything in between

child and adolescent eating disorders

For families of youth, age 8-18, struggling with eating, feeding dynamics, and body esteem

body-positive home

For parents and professionals looking to boost body-positivity at home, school, and in clinical practice

general psychotherapy

For adolescents and adults struggling with anxiety, depression, life transitions, relationship issues, and the many challenges of being a human today.

a peaceful relationship with food, body, and self is a basic human right


We offer evidence-informed treatment through a social justice lens

we are size-inclusive eating disorder specialists
We know people of all shapes and sizes suffer from eating disorders and we believe they all deserve access to evidence-based care. We deliver science-backed interventions to support your desired behavioral change and create plenty of space for you to be respectfully known. While we proudly specialize in issues around food and body, we are equipped to support you around other things such as trauma, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, etc. 

we are body-positive
The body-positive movement advocates the acceptance of all bodies regardless of physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance. Rooted in social justice, it is about much more than promoting positive body image in any given individual… it is about creating a more just world for all bodies to safely exist in. While eating disorders are greatly influenced by genetics and neurobiology, socio-cultural realities make healing incredibly difficult, especially for folks with marginalized identities. Our commitment to social justice informs the way we think critically about the work we do, the research we read, the unearned privileges we possess, and the biases we strive to unlearn. 

We are firmly aligned with the principles of Health at Every Size®.

We partner with parents of children and adolescents

Health at Every Size® informed Family-Based Treatment and adolescent psychotherapy
We do not believe that parents cause eating disorders, but we do believe they are essential to their prevention and cure. When it comes to childhood and adolescent eating disorders, early detection and intervention is key. We empower parents to set their kids back on the road to healthy development along with guidance on how to build a body-positive home.


we offer body neutrality training

Body NeutralEYES
For many people feeling “positively” about your body feels out of reach — and we are not a fan of “toxic positivity”. Instead, we invite you to consider building a body neutrality practice. Our time-limited Body NeutralEYES™ program only requires your desire to change the way you see yourself and a body neutrality trainer to get started.